Are You An Owner/Lessee of a 2013-2017 Nissan Sentra And Experiencing Transmission Issues?
Owners and lessees have reported the following problems with Nissan Sentras:
- Sudden, unexpected shaking and violent jerking (commonly referred to as “juddering” or “shuddering”) when attempting to shift gears.
- Hesitation before acceleration when a driver presses on the gas pedal.
- A "surge", or sudden acceleration forward, when driving.
- A hard downshift, or "clunk", when slowing down or accelerating at low speeds.
If you are experiencing these problems, click the "Join Now" link in the upper-right corner to provide your information to Whitfield Bryson & Mason's attorneys and receive updates on the case.
The Complaint attached below describes the experiences of other Nissan Sentra owners and lessees.
Lead Counsel

Gary attended Brown University in Rhode Island where he graduated Magna Cum Laude before attending law school at Duke University School of Law. During his studies in law school, Gary was the editor of the school’s law review, Law & Contemporary Problems. Gary also clerked for the Honorable Andrew J. Kleinfeld, U.S. District Court Judge, in Anchorage, Alaska.
After law school, Gary joined Skadden Arps, one of the leading law firms in the world. Gary then joined Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC as a partner where he focused his practice on class action litigations.
With his broad experience, Gary is nationally known for representing consumers in class actions involving a wide range of defective products, including Chinese drywall, fire retardant plywood, polybutylene pipe, high-temperature plastic venting, hardboard siding, pharmaceutical products, consumer electronics and automobiles.
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